Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not feeling like writing tonight...

Today, I did a number of things that one should do on Sunday, and at least one thing that I normally would. It was a good day.

Took some pictures for Models for Change today, and learning more about the process of taking photographs of people, in particular models, even in a cold windy environment. I find it to be an intimidating experience in many ways, but feel like I'm helping and growing from what I find.

Loved the dichotomy of this Porsche sitting across the street from the Greyhound station in Raleigh. Thought it was interesting enough to make my photo today instead of pictures of various people that have no role in my daily thought pattern or development.

That being said, I remembered this weekend while in Asheville that a year ago today I bought the next to last ring I ever intended to buy someone. I enjoyed buying it, and putting it on her finger. It was still there the last time I saw her, and it remains a lasting symbol of my love.

D90 85mm f/16 1/250 ISO 400


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