Sunday, February 7, 2010

Seahorse Chandelier

Today, I had the opportunity to take some photos at a Models for Charity event in Durham at the Cotton Room. An incredible space, with great light, and the fundraiser was for the Me Fine Foundation. I took lots of photos of the models, and the kids who were there to help them raise money, but really liked some of the external sights to be seen.
While a number of things caught my eye (and were captured in a photograph or two), the chandeliers were great. The sun (the wonderful, ball of fusing hydrogen and helium 93 million miles away) was finally unblocked by rain clouds...and it shone through the windows and the skylights through the glass and crystals of this chandelier. And when I saw this picture, I loved the seahorse shape, and pretty much everything about it. So here, I share it.
The rest of my day was mostly good, but felt emptier today than I had for a couple days. I know that this is a journey, and that it's the journey that matters. It tests my patience and my sanity... and nearly consumes me at some point every day... I am sure that it will be better, or worse, or the same tomorrow.
D90 300mm f/8 1/2000 ISO400


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