Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Drowning Groundhogs

Today's trip on the road was very, very wet -- but was not as bad as it really could have been. In five hours of driving (from Morrisville to Concord, then China Grove and Mooresville), the best news was that the temperature hovered slightly above freezing all day. But traffic was awful, the snow on the side of the road was significant and all in all, I got home tonight exhausted.
This photo was taken in the middle of the traffic valley in Greensboro, and epitomized my day.
But the best news of the day was that the damn groundhog could not have seen his shadow any place I went I've been today. I think that means that we are getting closer and closer to the end of this damnable season. The cold air, the depressive gray and empty trees will soon be replaced by warm, and green, and the promise of sap rising and the heart being full again.
Today, the words of Sunday Morning carried me through a couple sad moments and I was thankful for their words, the memory of why that song matters, and of the fingers that played and the voice that first sang them to me so many months ago...
Motorola Droid f/2.8 1/10 ISO 100


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