Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This little light...

Sat at dinner with friends from high school, and by the fireplace (which was sadly run by natural gas and not wood logs), this light and its candelabra were providing extra light. I loved it glow, not filling the room with light, but addition character to the setting in a nice way.
That's the way my day has felt in so many ways. That I am that little light, and I am humbled by some of the incredible things that have been said or written to me about this blog. So to all you folks who have read, and commented: Thanks!
I fear I pour my soul out, and hear that I don't. I am simply sharing my walk, in this little way, and feel lost in so many ways... and then to hear that I don't sound as pitiful or stupid as I feel is somewhat reassuring.
Love is a many splendored thing... rarely understood or appreciated, or embraced by the ones who should most enjoy its light and heat... And remembering that it is not its return that matters, simply giving it is all you can do.
D90 85mm f/5.6 1/30 ISO 400


Blogs I Read
