Thursday, February 18, 2010

Half-full Moon

Tonight's conditions were perfect to finally capture this inspirational moon. There was no wind, the temperature was reasonable and I was wearing shorts, and a long-sleeve shirt. It was great to spend a few minutes on the porch getting the camera right, the focus where I could grab the high points in the sunlight of key craters...

Every time I see the moon, I think about the amazing physical facts that cause us here on Earth to see so many different faces... the tilt of our planet relative to the Sun and the nature of the Moon's orbit will cause it to sometimes look like a smiley face and other times just to be standing on its side. We know that the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth (a fact that Pink Floyd leveraged into the title of one of best selling album of all time), meaning we will see the same craters, in the same place, every time. And without its gravity, we would not have waves. But given all of that, I just like the Moon, its moods, and its masks... how I love to look up to see what the night will give.

With the crescent on the "bottom" of the Moon (which is because the Moon is chasing the Sun down the southwestern horizon), all week I've felt so inspired by the glass like shape it has right now. Every night, it fills up a little more, and so must we. And that is a great thing to see, and want, and believe.

Every day is a new day. I am appreciative of today, and for the rest I got last night. My travel home from out west on Wednesday was not my best few hours -- too tired, too little sleep this week because of work and travel, on edge in every way possible and reacting to unemotional moments in overly emotional ways. Not the way I want to live my life. But I pushed through thanks to many, many friends.

Today, I had the chance to have lunch with an old friend who had the misfortunate of being caught in the whirlwind of my fall last Spring. He gave me the chance to share where I am, where I have been and where I am no longer. I have to say too it was a blessing to see the relief in his eyes when he saw me for the first time since last February. And to feel that friendship growing back was a gift I hadn't expected.

While it didn't serve as my pic today (because I had ignored this moon all week), this picture of the Sun rising through the woods this morning was the right beginning of my day. Its light, its warmth, its hope lighting the way to another trip down the road...

D90 300mm f/5.6 1/80 ISO 400


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