Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have had this moon following me, taunting me for the last two evenings, with its beautiful shape making me realize how half full life is, and how it waiting to be filled.

But when I saw this sign in my hallway, it could not be ignored. I'm staying at this new hotel -- you can almost smell the paint, and the new carpet (a scent that has always transfixed me) -- and all the "new" safety pieces are interesting. The elevators are numbered, all these signs pointing the way to a safe way to escape from danger. It seems so much of life is about exits...

It made me realize how often we choose to do what's safe... I have heard too many times from friends how and why they made some decision in their life -- professional, personal or otherwise because it was "right." I know that I've made that mistake: I stayed with my ex for all the wrong reasons for too long after it was over. I kept thinking, "oh, I am staying for the kids." Bullshit. The gravity well at the bottom of our relationship was tearing my soul apart until I could not stand it any longer. And the outcome of that "delay" was not positive -- it caused me to overreact to every relationship I had for years because I so freaking selfish that it nearly consumed me.

I had a great day, doing what I love to do with people I genuinely like. My work has allowed me to work with people in a way that I feel like I using nearly everyone of my professional skills, and that allow me to be genuine. It was kinda weird to discover (or admit) that I like sales and I get juiced from that process... Odd? Perhaps. But I always leave it feeling like I have done something positive with my work life -- for a change.

And tonight I got to spend some time with my sister. I went to her restaurant, and got to sit at the bar with her while I was eating. I am so proud of her, both for where she is in her job and how well she is doing in managing all the insanity around her. And I like how she and my mom are bringing their relationship back together. It's awful that it took Charlie's tragic death to do that, but I know that smile coming out the sky is for the good that has come from it.

D90 85mm f/4.5 1/100 ISO 400


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