Showers, Storm Clouds and Humidity -- it's all water...
Early this morning, as I was about to go to sleep, I looked out and the downtown night scene for Savannah was beautiful. I walked out on my thirteenth floor balcony and tried to take pictures but the humidity differential between in and out was nearly 100% so everything was foggy. Knowing this, I forged on ahead, and was pleased with the one I captured.
When I woke this morning, I felt drained and driven. I got some work done, took a shower and got dressed so that I could begin sweating in the hot August Savannah soup called the air. And went out to speak and start my day.
It was a good day professionally -- a couple great opportunities to sell our value, first on a conference agenda on self-funding, and then a super appointment that was a surprising opportunity. It seems I'll be coming back to Savannah more in the near future.
Left downtown around 5 pm, and pulled into the Hilton in Charlotte at 8:30, and suffered through about two feet of water falling out of the air around Columbia. It seemed for a while that driving 80 mph while hydroplaning might not be a good idea, but it ultimately was not that bad -- at least for me. It was amazing how hard it rained, and how close the lightning was as it struck the ground near where I was driving. But it was actually a relaxing drive, with only one moment of fear that the instant-on radar of the SC Highway Patrol had caught me. The most fearful moment of the day.
I wanted to close with two anecdotes. First, this morning, as I was on my way to the speaking engagement, I ran across two oddities I wish I had caught with my camera. The first was a campaign sign, for someone running for the Board of Elections. Just sounded weird to elect someone to the Board of Elections. Isn't that a job that you can make sure you keep FOREVER if you get elected to since YOU RUN THE ELECTIONS AFTER THAT?
The second was a police officer directing traffic at a school. She had on this crazy hair hat that was neon green. It was very, very funny and a interesting way to start the day.
The final point was about showers. I have been blessed to visit many hotels over the past twelve months, and from that, gotten the opportunity to be in many different showers. Today's shower finally surpassed the ones at the O'Henry and Proximity. The shower at the Hilton DeSoto was spacious (big enough for two), self-contained with glass doors, had a towel rack in the shower, a shower head that emitted water in a hard stream and was HOT. It was like five minutes of heaven in there.
Being a shower connoisseur has been a developing interest over the past two years. Today was the piece d'resistance.
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