Cleaning Day
Something cathartic about cleaning up. Even though I keep it much cleaner than was once my habit, today I woke with the compelling need to really, really clean my place. So I started cleaning the bathroom floors, the kitchen floor and vacuuming the steps, which I honestly don't think I had done in about 10 months (yuck!). I unpacked my bags, put away those clean but unworn clothes and started washing the dirty. I sorted through mail, and packages, and the sundry million things that must be done when gone for a few days. But it's strange how at the end of the day, it comes back to the vacuuming those steps that seemed to represent something important about the day.
This afternoonm I started watching Deep Impact, the movie from whevever about a comet hitting the Earth. At the end of the movie, one of the central characters was speaking to her father, from whom she had been estranged, on the beaches on the Outer Banks. He had visited her in Washington and showed her pictures of a day that they and her mother had shared at their house, and she said she didn't remember it, because she was angry and hurt by the things he had done. Now, as they were preparing to die, she had come there to tell him she did remember it, and that it had been a perfect, happy day. And she ended it by saying, "I've missed you since then."
The writing that followed that was equally good, and allowed me to get out of the condo, get MK her shoes and watch Drew drive his go-kart around the yard and make a good dinner and have a relaxing evening. I felt clean too...
and finally got some my heavenly foot lotion on my tired feet. Love Heels All!
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