Sunday, September 26, 2010

Indy Day 2

Slept late, dragging for a while. Great breakfast at this place across the street from the State Capital (which is a big building -- overcompensating for something, Indiana?).

I failed in my initial attempt to nap this afternoon because a meeting felt the need to interrupt. Afterwards, I came back and fell asleep anyway, which left me feeling very wiped out and even worse than I felt this morning. I really have gotten the point that I hate a late nap that is too brief because I wind up feeling pissed off and cheated by what little I actually got from the experience. Hmm... sounds like something I could associate with a number of things.

Dinner and drinks with more new (and some old) friends, and going to bed early to keep from being so bad off tomorrow. Hope it works.


Blogs I Read
