First night here, and hanging out with friends for dinner. Up too late last night and up too early this morning so I could make my flight, but by the time I made it into my room, I was too tired to sleep, too hungry to eat and too irritable to allow myself to be happy.
Feel like I've slipped back a bit in the last week in terms of getting work done and keeping it all managed. Worked a good deal on the flights to get my email count down, but now I have a mile-long to-do list. Checked off on a number of those things to do, thankfully, but really need to figure out where the focus has been lost so I can get re-centered and comfortable the way I have been.
Tonight was good in a lot of ways. Great dinner, meeting a number of new people (who are all connected in one way or another with Keystone). After dinner went to this cool blues bar, and listened to music for a while before we moved onto a kids bar -- with better music, but one where the average age of the folks there increased by five years when the four of us walked in.
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