Drained, but inspired
Tonight, as MK and I were heading to Harris Teeter (and Drew was at Taekwondo), the sun was setting at over the end of Horton Road. The weeping willow was framing and the sun shining up from the horizon and it seemed to be the right "paint job" to the week winding down.
I remain exhausted and fear that I am getting some congestion, and a bit of something. It all feels more like what happens to your body when you are so completely drained that you just need a few days of sleep.
The kids were so glad to see me -- their calls wanting to know when I'd get there, and those first few minutes with them, getting their stuff, rushing to tell me something -- made that connection time more natural. MK and I walked around the 'Teeter and she was telling stories a million miles a minute. It was funny to hear her interaction with her friends, their little jokes, and the frustrations of adults and classmates, the disappointments and how life gives her both adventures and perspective. I love that her sense of humor has gotten so dry... brings a little cheer to my heart.
Driving around the parking lot to pick up Drew made me feel a little nostalgic. It reminded me of the years of living on Madrid, and how simple life seemed so much in those days. Seemed was of course the key to that, but they were different days. Many yesterdays ago...
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