Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Good Eats: Roast Grill

Interesting how certain things change how I approach tasks or responsibilities I used to summarily ignore. For instance, yesterday I realized that the change oil light came on in my car. In the past, a minor annoyance; now it sparked an immediate call to the dealership to get it resolved. So I spent a part of my morning in the private offices there while the 5,000 mile service was done. Oh, I know... I couldn't believe it either.

On my way to Fayetteville, stopped to buy a lens and to grab a couple dogs at Roast Grill. It is a great, old place, and the dogs are always good. I feel like I've mentioned it before.... hmm... anyway, I walked in on a guy who was arguing with the owner (who is prone to argue anyway) about whether or not he had given him a $5 or $1 for some gum he bought. Clearly an attempt to "flim flam" him (first time I'd heard an adult use those words in a while, ya know...).

Worked in the office and getting ready to go to dinner, and have drinks with my co-workers. Should be a fun night that I hope we all remember and survive.


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