...spent the day in Rutherford and Polk County, and had dinner with my friends Lee Ellis and Mike McKinney at a place in downtown Rutherfordton...
I have to say that I like this town -- I always have. My roommate from high school went to high school here before NCSSM, and his parents still live here. I went on a bunch of youth trips with the Presby youth there in high school and my former pastor from Banner Elk is still at First Baptist. One of my favorite jokes is that only in Rutherfordton (a four syllable word) could the town be reduced down to just 2.5 syllables). It was odd driving out of downtown tonight and realizing where I was vs. where Hood Moving and Storage was located many, many, many moons ago.
The consensus from yesterday was bradford pear blooms. Still looking for other opinions...
I loved these buildings, and I love small towns. But the find of these colors on different buildings brought great color to Main Street. A little color was what I needed on this day.
D300 85mm f/5.6 1/300 ISO 200
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