Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today, I drove Drew to Camp New Hope for their Church annual retreat and coming back, I found that where NC 86 and Mt. Sinai Road crossed, there was this old store beside the railroad. But when I walked along the rail, I found its path was amazing.

The rail bed was built up and kept level by rock. The rails were quite simple and the cross ties were of an imperfect distance from one another. To think of the millions of tons of material, the thousands of rail cars, an innumerable number of people who have travelled along the few feet that I walked today was staggering.

Tomorrow I am headed to Washington DC. I am taking the train there and so the symmetry... But then I realized how much of our lives are driven by pathways, some of which are of our own making, others created for us. This spur caught my eye and it's beginning or ending struck me as what I often find myself in this conflict.

So this image is where I found myself today, unexpectedly, and its inspiration lead me to realize where I am today.

D300 200mm f/5.6 1/200 ISO 200 (color adjusted for B&W)


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