Colors and Light
This painting was one of the first gifts I received from her, and it sits in my bedroom. It's colors are very reminiscent of the Georgia O'Keeffe painting that it is based upon, but tonight, in the low amber light of the bedroom, it was transformed.
The clouds shine brighter but the subtlety of the colors are lost. The unexpected reds and the greens fade away and the abstract nature of the paint is revealed.
A busy day, one filled with some work, and bought some goodies to go with the new camera (that comes tomorrow!!) and lots of calls. The best news was the no-bad-news on a medical test for a high school friend. Answered prayer and good thoughts.
Colors, Light, Thoughts, Perceptions. All shifted by the slightest nudge. A great realization for many steps forward.
D90 85mm f/1.4 1/6 ISO 400
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