Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bowling and Forgiveness

I just heard an artist at South by Southwest (who described his group as a new-age, indy rock band) say that he believed that forgiveness was the most important emotion. Made me think a long time about the statement — I am not sure that I think that forgiveness is an emotion. It is an act, almost always of love, and one that is necessary for more reasons than we can ever comprehend.

Tonight, we went to a friend's birthday party at the bowling alley on Hillsborough Street and it was great fun... Watching MK and Drew bowl (after years of doing on the Wii) was fun, but I have to say that the damn ball is far heavier than the cool Wii device I'm used to bowling the upper 190's with... Oh, and the real thing is way harder than the computer-assisted version. The 69 I "earned" was a helluva a lot harder than I thought it would be. And Drew still beat me.

Tomorrow starts another week -- and it will be a good one, I hope.

D300 35mm f/2.4 1/60 ISO 200


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