This bleak field had been emptied of the fleshy bodies that had cooked under the sun, soaked their clothes, and lost any damn way.
I love to play softball. I hate the after-effects of softball (I will feel creaky as a 100-year-old chair tomorrow, I can tell), but I love to get out and play. But when it is 95° and 100% humidity (at least it felt that humid), the after-effects are dramatic. I think I drank a 1/2 gallon of water, and just sat in the car with the air conditioning running as high as it could... By the time I got home, I was so tired, I could barely move from my couch for a couple hours. But Drew did note that I began sounding better by 7 pm...
I have to say that the emotional state of mind of post-softball Sundays was nearly as debilitating as last year. I remember telling my counselor last summer that I never wanted to return to this lonely existence, and the reality that I was where I was because of my own bad acts made it even worse. But coming home to the kids made it all better.
If you missed the Les Grossman ads for the MTV Movie Awards, you need to see them, particularly if you enjoyed Tom Cruise/Les in Tropic Thunder. Probably the only Tom Cruise appearance in a movie in 20 years that I have genuinely enjoyed.
D300 18mm f/3.5 1/6400 ISO 400
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