Thursday, April 8, 2010


OK, I admit I did not get a picture taken all day... well I did a couple on my phone, but nothing that I wanted. Besides those pics reminded me that I almost lost it flying into Fayetteville this afternoon... I hate it when the random motions of the plane, the distracting patterns of the trees and the birds and my occasional queasiness cause me to break out into a cold sweat...

So I instead share a pic from Saturday, taken at the Jacksonville Zoo. As MK pointed out to me, I cannot sell these images because of completely unenforceable notice provision and the fact the animals, as subjects, cannot be protected as intellectual property. But I am sure that it stops about 95% of people from doing it...

Going to bed, but wanted to share a great line offered in response to yesterday's post on pessimism: "that is why I think no glass is better, using cupped hands instead to drink the water, to receive what is offered and to give back." Well said.

Lions, and Tigers, and... nope that doesn't work here... Good night.

D300 300mm f/8 1/300 ISO 200


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