Thursday, April 29, 2010


I woke up this morning and the weight of the work to be done, the amount of travel I have been doing and the lack of sleep I have been getting has hit me. The brick wall was actually reinforced with titanium (which Drew is desperately trying to get some for a weapon project for the DoD, so please share if you have any) and I am having to stop and restart.

Today's picture is one from this weekend, one that the more I look at, the more I am amazed that I actually caught. It shows how important it is to TAKE pictures because you will often find things that you never expected... much like life.

Two hard days on the road, five meetings, one radio interview for an hour and at least one new group sold. Thankfully the beach retreat is this weekend. Next week is going to be worse...

D300 170mm f/5.6 1/800 ISO 1600


Blogs I Read
