Sunday, April 25, 2010

Psalm 23

This morning's lesson was about Psalm 23, one of the most over-used chapters in the Bible in my opinion. I have this macabre association of the entire chapter with both funerals and the Green Berets ("yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because I am the baddest MF in the valley...).

But it was refreshing to re-read the chapter and see it from a different perspective. It is considered a praise psalm -- an exhort of David's wonderment at God's role in our lives. He is the shepherd, we shall not want... But he "makes" us lie in green pastures. He sets a table with our enemies. At one level, I came to accept that God needs us to give up control, to let us relax and live life without pushing the rope.

So enough philosophizing -- a great afternoon nap, helped a friend pick out a few photos for her and her husband's new house and tonight... tonight is looking to be a little drinking to celebrate freedom from oppression and bad marriages. Should be a good time to be had by all.

I must write about Drew... He just absolutely kills me sometimes...

D90 300mm f/5.6 1/80 ISO 200


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