Thursday, December 2, 2010

December Blossoms

Took MK to get the stuff from her mom's house and discovered the cherry tree the city planted there years ago (at my request) had new blossoms on its edges. It was totally unexpected, and the perfect thing to make me smile this fine day.

Woke to cool air, and went to a meeting way too early. Then had a very productive day, which was enriched by my children returning to my life, MK and I enjoying our weekly grocery run while Drew is at taekwondo, and then going to a Make-a-Wish fundraiser to be with friends, old and new, and just enjoy the time out and about.

Wednesday was an interesting day in so many ways -- from conversations had, or not had, and balancing my tiredness against my lingering for the past and hope for tomorrow. Hope for tomorrow won out. I'll write more about it later.

So be glad for December blossoms... they are the edge of a pattern yet to emerge!


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