Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Don't know why this topic struck me today. Probably the multiple references to justice over the past two week or so.

Justice is an elusive term -- lost to the one hearing it based on the unique perspective of the one using it. Sometimes it seems as difficult a concept as faith. And it is important to how we feel about the world...

No Justice, No Peace -- the great call of the oppressed, bastardized by so many over the years, with no respect for the many who fought and died for the idea of justice -- from Martin Luther King, Jr., to Zapata, to so many others...

Got this gift from an email I get every day last week: love is stronger than justice. The commentary was even better: "So if you feel that you have been 'unjusted' and are looking for 'justice', you may be looking for the wrong thing. What would happen if you sought love instead? And what would happen if you gave love instead of seeking it? This might require a bit of forgiveness. Yet if you start with yourself, if you begin by forgiving yourself for all the things you may have done that were not okay with another, you will find it much easier for forgive another for what was done that is not okay with you." Reminded me that love is hard work, and that loving yourself is as important as anything.

It was the kinda thing that got me refocused and straight in a couple ways.

Today was strengthened by a call from a dear friend who told me I was her mentor, and I can't tell you how that made me feel. That, a comment about collecting strays and a good meeting in Greensboro before heading home made the day good in a number of ways.


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