Saturday, November 27, 2010

Good Eats: Whole Foods

There's a new term in the photography circles: Food Porn. It references people who take pictures of food so that others can look at the photographs and be enticed by the good looking food... It's a strange concept, and also a pretty funny combination of words.

This fine collection of food comes from the Whole Foods hot bar, which is one of my favorite food pleasures. It gives the inner Baptist an ability to get the taste of a number of different things, while not requiring that I prepare a lot of food to get there. Their mac and cheese is always great and they have an Indian bean dish that is spicy, and so nice. The sweet potatoes were Jamaican spiced and the lasagna was the perfect meat dish to accompany this meal.

is this good for me? Who knows... but I will say this: it comes from Whole Foods so the chances are better that it is, and it was way overpriced. But I can get it home, while still warm, and sit in my chair and eat it without having a single dish to clean up afterwards.

Of course, I suppose I should recycle the plastic.


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