Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A tough choice...

So today we have a choice. A very long day in Greensboro, for a number of reasons: had to go buy a shirt, got confusing messages about meeting, and then was fortunate to be in a room with a number of folks today that I respect to talk about what I do... I love those opportunities.
On the drive to Huntersville (where I am wisely spending the night), these two photos presented themselves. No, for the record, North Carolina does not prohibit driving and taking pictures. The top one was near the Salisbury exit and the sun, breaking through the clouds was a nice reminder of both the amazing nature of the world and how the sun can just do surprising things. I know that there is a scientific explanation for the light beams showing up the way they do (pretty certain it has something to do with water vapor in the air), but it is always lovely.
D90 85mm f/1.4 1/3200 ISO 400

As to the second photo, I drove by a truck loaded with chickens and thought it was too cool to miss. But a warning -- you cannot always take good pictures when you use a manual focus lens. But I loved how that one little fella was sticking his head out and thought I'd honor him before he became dinner somewhere for someone. Little chicken dude, you will be memorialized here!
D90 85mm f/1.4 1/80 ISO 400


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